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製造的那有名醬汁的McIlhenny先生 |
根據家族的傳說,TABASCO®品牌最原始的紅醬是在1860年代中期至後期,由Edmund McIlhenny所開創而來。身為一個熱衷於園藝以及美食的愛好者,McIlhenny得到了來自於墨西哥和中美洲地區的辣椒(Capsicum frutescens peppers)種子,
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照路易斯安納州的標準,南方重建時期的飲食是相當平淡無味的。所以Edmund McIlhenny決定製造辣椒醬來賦予食物一些香氣及風味。他從作物中挑選出最紅的辣椒,將其搗碎並與艾弗利島所生產的鹽混合,而後將這些糊狀物放進陶罐或桶裝陳化30天。McIlhenny接著將原料糊與法國白酒醋混合,再次陳化30天以上。最後經過濾再將醬汁注入到帶有噴嘴的小型古龍水樽瓶,並將這些瓶子用木塞及綠蠟密封。
至今逾140年,TABASCO®辣椒水幾乎是以相同的方式製造,除了現今將原料糊置於白橡木桶中之陳化時增加至三年,和使用優質的蒸餾醋外,其餘仍循古法製造生產。同時,TABASCO®辣椒水被翻譯22種語言,販售於超過165個國家和地區, 從士兵的糧食到擺放在世界各地的餐廳餐桌上;它就是全球最著名且最受推崇的辣椒水。
TABASCO®辣椒水至今仍在路易斯安納州的艾弗利島製造。事實上,公司200多名員工裡,有超過一半都居住在艾弗利島,不僅如此,許多人的父母和祖父母也都在此工作和生活過。現任總裁及董事會主席,Anthony “Tony” Simmons,是McIlhenny公司第七任掌舵人,同時作為McIlhenny的直系後裔,他努力保持公司傳統和創辦人所流傳下來的經營優勢。
McIlhenny Company
TABASCO® brand products are made by
McIlhenny Company, founded in 1868 on Avery Island, Louisiana. To this day, the
company is still family-owned and operated on that very same site.
Sowing the Seeds
According to family tradition, TABASCO®
brand Original Red Sauce was created in the mid to late 1860s by Edmund
McIlhenny. A food lover and avid gardener, McIlhenny was given seeds of
Capsicum frutescens peppers that had come from Mexico or Central America. On
Avery Island in South Louisiana, he sowed the seeds, nurtured the plants and
delighted in the spicy flavor of the peppers they bore.
The Birth of a Pepper Sauce

“That Famous Sauce Mr. McIlhenny Makes”
“That Famous Sauce Mr. McIlhenny Makes”
proved so popular with family and friends that McIlhenny, previously a banker,
decided to embark on a new business venture by marketing his pepper sauce. He
grew his first commercial pepper crop in 1868. The next year, he sent out 658
bottles of sauce at one dollar apiece wholesale to grocers around the Gulf
Coast, particularly in New Orleans. He labeled it “Tabasco,” a word of Mexican
Indian origin believed to mean “place where the soil is humid” or “place of the
coral or oyster shell.” McIlhenny secured a patent in 1870, and TABASCO® Sauce
began its journey to set the culinary world on fire. Sales grew, and by the
late 1870s, he sold his sauce throughout the U.S. and even in England.
Still Made the Same Way
Over 140 years later, TABASCO® Sauce is
made much the same way except now the aging process for the mash is longer – up
to three years in white oak barrels – and the vinegar is high-quality distilled
vinegar. Labeled in 22 languages and dialects, sold in over 165 countries and
territories, added to soldiers’ rations and put on restaurant tables around the
globe, it is the most famous, most preferred pepper sauce in the world.
Five Generations Later
TABASCO® Sauce is still made on Avery
Island, Louisiana, to this day. In fact, about half of the company’s 200
employees actually live on Avery Island, with many of their parents and
grandparents having worked and lived there as well. Anthony “Tony” Simmons, the
current Chairman of the Board and CEO, is the seventh McIlhenny in a chain of
direct descendants who have strived to preserve the legacy and traditions of
the company’s creator.